Saturday 28 August 2010

Summer UPDATE - Visiting Brooklyn Brothers//

So far the summer has been rather busy in terms of design related things to travelling and enjoying my last summer! It's been a long time since my last post so let's down to business!

Following on from one of my previous posts about Brooklyn Brothers, I managed to arrange a date to meet up with them for a brief chat and to get some portfolio feedback.On the 11th June, I went down to London to meet Ali the creative director to discuss my portfolio, my submission to their competition and a potential placement opportunity over the summer. After running around Picadilly Circus for 30 minutes trying to find their studio, I eventually got there on time and was greeted by a rather impressive looking studio filled with a dozen designers working intensely on their macs.

During my hour stop there, she gave me a brief description of Brooklyn Brothers and what they do. I presented my portfolio to Ali and basically discussing each project quite thoroughly, describing each brief title, the problems and my design solution for each one. I think the presentation skills we practiced from college has finally paid off and I also realised how well I had remembered each project! She had her input to each project I presented, discussing my thought process, stating which ones she liked/didn't like as much and why etc which was what I was after. She also mentioned about the presentation quality itself and to be more brutal with my selection of work I take to clients/ potential work. This was referring to a particular piece which wasn't photographed very well at all, I was aware of this but didn't have the opportunity to photograph is again properly as it was an installation piece, but still wanted to include it as it demonstrated a different working method. She suggested that I should consider leaving it out eventhough it's an interesting piece, but for her that piece stood out as it was presented very weak compared to the others, which is something I'm need to think about.

She also talked through and offered me a months internship but unfortunately I had to decline the offer in the end due to conflicts with previously arranged dates. Since meeting her, I have kept in contact with the people at Brooklyn Brothers, with the potential to arrange for an internship at a later date.

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