Friday, 3 June 2011

Thursday, 2 June 2011 is live

As we have bought the domain already, we both felt that we should put something up even if it's just the site name and our contact details. So after some discussion on the design of it, Ian managed to code a holding page up, which is based on his current website. The holding page showcases thumbnails of a mixture of our work, with a few GIFs thrown in there aswell.

Prospectus Pitch

Our design boards for pitching for the LCA Prospectus. We developed 3 different routes, 3 different specifications and a the required spreads.

Studio Co-Lab Portfolio

As part of our first Studio Co-Lab and collaboration since 2nd year, Ian and I have spent a couple of evening working on the pitch for next year's prospectus. As part of the submission, we were required to submit a portfolio of our work aswell, which was a good chance for us to put our work together for the first time.

Here is it: