Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Placement : Design Project

During the easter break, I was very fortunate to gain some professional experience at Design Project - definitely one of my favourite design studios outside of London. I was asked initially to pop round for a week to see how things went, but got offered to stay for a 2nd week eventually.

to be continued...

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Printed promotional material?

Currently contemplating whether or not I should/need to develop a printed promotional piece ready for when I graduate. I've always had the intention to develop a mailer pack of some sort to post out to some of my favourite design studios but have waited till this point as I didn't feel that my work was of the standard that I wanted it to be yet. Initial ideas of these promotional pieces could potentially be a small newspaper, a folded sheet of A2 etc.

However now that I've had my website up for over a year now and the ease of just emailing people and receiving feedback electronically seems so efficient, I'm starting to question the need of producing a printed piece. I am aware of the benefits and the appeal of a printed promotional materials, but as I'm starting to identify who/what I want to design and to position myself as a designer for when I finish, I'm still left questioning the need for it and what I would get from this.

Because of the feedback I have been getting on my work, and the types of studio's that I will be targeting I think i'll just stick with my website for now and emailing a PDF instead. The printed promotional piece could potentially be something I'd leave behind during a studio visit or something to consider having for the end of year show that people who are interested could take away with them.